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 Richmond was a very intelligent guy in my class and was also, my close friend. 

But the difference between us was that while I looked well taken care of, Richmond looked like he needed help (his family wasn't well to do).

During that time in school, girls threw themselves on me because I had money and even started fucking most of them. But honestly, I preferred fucking a man's ass hole to a vagina because , a man's hole is much sweeter and feels completely different.

Richmond on several occasions has asked me how come I was able to afford my flamboyant life style and despite how much he pressured, I never revealed my secret.

On the other hand, Chief Obi was aware of my affair with women  (I tell him everything) and at first, he didn't care. All he cared about  was that i use a condom and not get any girl pregnant which I agreed to. But after a while, he became uncomfortable with the whole thing and asked me to stop and I did for his sake . 

I also told Chief Obi about Richmond and showed him his photos on my phone which he took an instant liking to him. He asked if Richmond  was gay and my lover - and When i told him he wasn't  , Chief Obi  insisted that I should rather say "I didn't know" instead of saying "he wasn't".

 From that day he saw Richmonds photo, Chief Obi didn't allow me rest.  He started to put pressure on me to - according to him, "convert him". 

He started telling me what to say and do to Richmond to fall for me and just like a charm, his advise worked. 

Richmond began to respond in ways I never thought possible. He told me he loved me and prays nothing tears us apart. I wouldn't lie..during this period, i also started having feelings for him because I saw his deep affectionate side.  Also, I would say my feelings for Richmond was very genuine compared to what I felt for Chief Obi because there were no benefits  attached.

One day, while Richmond came to my house, I insisted he passed the night and he did. While in bed, i cuddled him and he didn't oblige. He warmed up to me as he joked about how we will go to prison for 14 years and we both laughed. As we laid in each others arms in the darkness of my room, I used my thighs to keep brushing his manhood through his boxers and in the process, he got hard. 

Richmond touched my dick as well and in that moment, we kissed. My whole body and soul felt connected to him..everything felt different.  Although we didn't fuck, we endlessly  kissed deeply and masturbated each other. Honestly, Richmond had a very lovely and big and curved dick. As I gently stroked his iron hard cock, I remembered how crazy i felt when chief Obi sucked my nipples- so, taking the initiative, i took his protruding nipples in my mouth one after the other  and it really made him go wild on me. He moaned, gasped, called my name and said all manner of sweet sentiments to me until he exploded his hot cum in my hands.  

Also, as he was moaning to my manipulation, he began stroking my dick so fast and sweet that i could no longer hold back  my rain of milk from falling into his hand. Our chemistry was spectacular. 

After that incident, myself and Richmond became more closer than ever. I fell in love with him and him, with me. We will usually meet in each others houses  especially during times our parents and siblings were not at home to kiss, suck and wank each other. 

One day, he sat me down and asked me about my source of money and then I told him.  However, I made it clear that it was only based on benefits.  He didn't take it negatively Outrightly.  Instead, he said if he had  such an opportunity, he would take it because things were hard. 

I told him chief Obi liked him and encouraged him to play along just for the money.  At first he had his reservations but I was able to persuade him that nothing will happen to "us".

But unfortunately, that was when things began to fall apart. 

The day I took him to Chief Obi and when he saw him, he became excited just like the first day we met. 

He started telling Richmond how handsome he was and how I have said so many sweet things about him (which wasn't true). He gave him N20,000 (twenty thousand naira) and also gave me some money to book a room in a luxury hotel for all of us that night. He couldn't control himself..he wanted to taste Richmonds dick as soon as possible. 

Right in front of me, Chief Obi asked Richmond if he had a big dick and can fuck well of which he (Richmond) Laughed and replied that he ( chief Obi) will be the one to do the verification. 

After we left, Richmond was over the moon with everything. 20k looked like two million naira for him . Even when we lodged at the hotel, It was evident he had never been opportune to be in such a fancy environment because, barely 30 minutes after we booked the room, he went straight for the swimming pool after taking over a hundred pictures. 

Chief Obi came late that night with one other elderly looking man. He introduced him to us as his "good friend " and said he was " one of us". 

They first ordered drinks and we chit-chatted a bit.  After we've had  enough to drink, they asked myself and Richmond to take off our clothes and we stripped down to our briefs. Because I was already used to such, I was already horny and my dick was standing. 

His friend began to touch me and then, brought out my cock and started  sucking my dick. But because he wasn't doing it like chief Obi, I didn't enjoy it at all. 

On the other hand, Richmond was busy thrusting his big plantain curved cock into chief Obi's throat like a porn star and even using it to slap his face and opened mouth  repeatedly.

When he eventually mounted chief Obi and began to fuck him, I began to have mixed feelings because,  i was both turned on and jealous of both Richmond and  chief Obi. I had very deep feelings for Richmond and also,  hearing chief Obi moan the way I use make him moan when I fuck him, made everything feel akward. 

To make matters worse, Chiefs friend began trying to put his finger inside my ass hole and was telling me he wanted to enter me. The pain alone I felt while he was trying to poke my ass with his finger coupled with his poor blow job skills totally put me off sexually. My erection completely vanished at some point but eventually, I managed to wank him so that he would leave me alone.

After the show was over, Chief held Richmond to sleep as if he was his boo and honestly, I felt left out and upset. But I endured it.

From that day, Chief Obi side lined me and started calling Richmond multiple times everyday and this made me very jealous indeed. 

Richmond and I began arguing alot over this and he blamed me for everything because, according to him, i was the one who introduced him to homosexuality and  encouraged him to play along for material gain . Though he was right, I refused owning my wrong. I wanted him to take the blame. (A bad character I use to have in the past).

I started avoiding Richmond and despite how much he tried to talk to me, I will ignore him.

The last straw that broke the camels back and destroyed our friendship was when chief Obi flew  Richmond to Abuja and both of them stayed together for a whole week.

 I was so furious that I ended my relationship with Richmond. Also, at that time, Chief Obi stopped giving me money and  began spoiling Richmond Instead. 

I was broke and lagging behind in school work. Also, I was in my final year as well and needed money for my project (as well as support my mother and siblings). Once again, I became desperate and reached out to chief Obi's friend  who has been on my case since the hotel incident. 

He sent me money to come to Owerri and meet him and I did. But what I encountered was a horror.

Mr Echie (his name) told me upfront that he won't give me a dime until he fucks my ass. I just stood there shocked. I had no money to go back. Even if I did, I was going back to square one. Also, he was with three other men and because he openly said what he said in their presence , it was obvious they too were gay. 

I felt trapped. 

I told Mr Echie I hadn't been penetrated before but he laughed and said there was always a first time. 

He told one of the men that we all should go to his house for the show and we did.

I had to get very drunk so that I could withstand the pain but even at that, the pain I felt was absolutely horrific. It tore down the alchohol induced veil. 

It felt like a big poo was stuck at the entrance of my ass and my brain kept giving me the feeling that I should push it out, but I couldn't. 

All three men took turns in fucking me and I was too drunk to do anything. Eventually, i blacked out.

When I regained consciousness, my aas hole was throbbing with shattering aches and pain and I felt very sick. Also, I had a terrible hangover that it took me several  days recover.

Thankfully, the man who owned the house had empathy on me and didn't throw me out. Instead, he helped nurse me back to health. While I was still recovering, Mr Echie came to see me and right in front of me, called chief Obi on video call. Apparently, he had told him what happened. I never felt so humiliated in all my life. However, I endured the shame and mockery. 

My host told me things about chief Obi that shocked me and warned me to stay away from him and Mr Echie. Both men were in the habit of passing boys to each other and discarding them once a fresh one arrives. 

 He promised to assist me and I thanked him. I felt worried for Richmond (who i still loved and missed terribly but because of ego, instead  of  me to make peace by swallowing, my pride and talk to him, I unblocked him,  sent him the message I had received concerning Chief Obi and blocked him again (I can be like that sometimes. Also, the thought of him and chief Obi together was something that still hurt me).

As time went on, I began visiting Owerri regularly to see my new friend (the person who nursed me). But because he was top and was of great help to me, I had to allow him fuck my ass (thank God he was gentle and knew how to make me enjoy penetration without feeling like it was torture). (He was a professional in rimming, fingering and fucking). 

Eventually,  my friend later traveled abroad and I was all alone once again but in a better position because, before he left the country, he helped me set up a business. 

One day, while at my new residence, Richmond showed up unannounced. My mother had given him my address.

He looked really good and it felt like time and circumstances never happened to us.

I learned he had called it off with chief Obi a long time ago because, he was been pressured into participating in group sex and also, pimping  guys with big dick to fuck chief Obi.  But once he met another guy who happened to be a cousin of Richmond, he did exactly the same thing he did to me. 

He dumped Richmond and began to shower his cousin with gifts. However, this cousin ended up blackmailing chief Obi with a ransom of 1.5m. ( Turned out he secretly recording their sex scene). 

They had shared the money equally and since then, everyone had moved on.

i apologized for my childish behaviors in the past and we finally made up

As he made to leave, I pulled him to me and we hugged and kissed with the sweetest passion. Without wasting any time, we took of our clothes and explored our naked bodies which we've missed for so long.

He sucked my cock, played with my nipples and ass hole with his tongue as he told me how much he loved and missed me..

 We were no longer young and naive boys.. We were now grown men who were rich with the experience of homo pleasure and we ensured we showed each other how much we've learned. 

By the time I sat on his thick curved pole and started to ride him after he had loosened my man hole with his first class foreplay , it was a magical moment of blissful moans and groans of joy. 

I don't think there's anything as heavenly as holding the man you love in your arms and kissing him while he releases his seed inside you.

 Our sweet love lasted all through the night non stop.  

I am grateful that I managed to survive my journey because, it was later I learned that there are men who prey on gay men for ritual purposes. I was lucky not to fall into their hands. Also, I heard there was a scandal involving chief Obi and the rumor is all over the community. Thank God it's been ages ago I was found in his company and moreover, I no longer live there anymore. 

As for that his friend who fucked/raped me, he sent me a message begging for forgiveness. From the way he sounded, it seemed karma had dug its claws and fangs deep into his flesh.

Written by 

Nonso K.

1 comment:

  1. Good story and what a lovely ending 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


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