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 Hello Teebeelicious, I know this is more of an adult blog however, I know a lot of people follow your stories and perhaps, someone might have the answer to my situation.

I am an MGM (married gay man) who has been married for about 8 years. Honestly, my marriage is something I wish if I could turn back the hands of time, I would not hesitate to choose a different path. 

Before I married my wife, she went snooping ,found my hard drive and saw some gay porn. 

It was total chaos. I had to tell her that it was before I gave my life to christ and moreover, i did it only once because I needed money at the time. I told her it was my past but this  was nothing but lies. She eventually believed me and warned me sternly. Thankfully, she didn't blow my cover like she threatened to. Infact, my primary reason for  marrying Her was just to prove that I wasn't gay. 

Now, we have a son and no doubt he's gay. Right from nursery school, his teachers has been complaining that he is always in the habit of trying to kiss boys in his class. Even when we try educating him about male and female attractions, he would literally look you in the eye and tell you confidently that he doesn't like girls. 

Sadly, my wife has gone commando on him and it breaks my heart to see him being called names and get punished over something he has no power over. She drags him from one pastor to another and it is very clear he is fraustrated and depressed. My wife is accusing me of supporting his "demonic act" because I am not punishing him. She has even began insinuating that the reason I am lenient with him is because I haven't stopped "that abomination ".

I am literally loosing my mind and feeling like a failure to see my son get tortured and I can't do anything about it. Absolutely everyone (from family members to my pastor) supports my wife. For God sake how can they be this wicked?????? He is a child!!!!!

Please I need advice before I get pushed into doing something terrible.

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  1. In my opinion, your first priority is your son's safety. If its possible to take him far away from all that threat please do. And try to live your best life and happily.

  2. If your son dies, news media will blame you and his.mother for it. I think it will be better to divorce her and get full custody of your son so that whatever backlash she may have will just fade in a matter of months.
    It doesn't seem like she still holds the harddrive as proof of your exuberance. Please save that boy and raise him right.

  3. Your marriage is becoming a chore. You have to get out especially for your son's safety. Terminate that marriage and raise your son. What your wife is putting him through is surely damaging his mind and you wouldn't want to end up with a psychologically damaged boy.

  4. If you don't stand up for that boy now, he'd learn to adjust to his pain and build a self shielf against any mental torture that he's currently passing through. And if by any slight chance, he gets to hear or know about you, he'd never forgive you throughout his lifetime. So, my advise for you, if you want to be in his life as his father, you need to step in now and be his guardian angel. I'm not saying you should annul the marriage, but you should put your happiness and that of a smaller version of you, first in everything that you do. You'll be fine man.

  5. Come on my brother,save your son and save your self. Your happiness and that of your son is Paramount. Please and please do everything to stop the abuse on that child. You are his rock and protector, just be that for him, no matter what it takes..

  6. Permit me to say, it is a very difficult and sensitive situation.

    Nobody can give u a perfect solution, because it is your life, and that of your family. No one knows how it hurt better than yourself.

    For the above reasons, I will kindly advice you stick your ground and fight for your son. Firstly the cure method your wife is trying to impose on him will definitely leave a psychological wound that will take years to heal.

    Please do right by your son.. You have already sold your happiness to please society and family.. Don't condemn the innocent child to such fate.

    Sending you lots of hugs, kisses and love.

    All the way from Europe


  7. This is a very difficult situation you have found yourself in, but trust me, everyone us right on one thing, you have to stop the madness from your wife and others. Unfortunately you will have to grace yourself for the accusation and blame thst will come and keep on coming from your wife. Put your foot down that your son will not go through such hell and do it in front of him/his presence so that he knows that his dad has his back. Don't worry, you will be deemed as a demon or devil - let it be - at least you and your son will be happy devils. Please act quickly unless your son eill be damaged and might become monster out of rebellion later in his life. Also he will never forgive you when he later finds out both of you practice the same "religion" and you never did anything to stop the torture.

    I believe in the next 5/10 years the younger generation will rise up against such torture. Be part of the early revolution....all this might cost you your marriage but give you a very good chance for "happily ever after".

    Be strong, do the right thing for your son's mental state....and yours as well.

    All the way from London


    Got your back bro.....

  8. *Brace yourself for the accusation....
    Not grace

  9. Your son needs you now so please help him .I know how it feels when you're love ones sit with their hands folded when they could have intervened.Do not let your son have suicidal thoughts before you help. Some of these traumas remains stack in our brains forever. Please help before he secretly commits suicide. Nobody is too young to commit suicide.


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