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 I had my first kito at the age of 25 by my aunt's house boy. 

From the very first day I saw Anozie (his name) , we got along almost instantly like we've known each other all along. Though we were about the same age, he was way taller and bigger than I was.

Anozie was a very attractive man. For a village boy, he had an effortless swag and intelligence that gave you an impression of him without him having to open his mouth. 

Because I believed and had faith  in him a lot, I began buying him clothes, accessories and registered him at the gym in the estate where aunt lived because, since he was naturally muscular, I knew If he should enhance his body, he would be smashing. 

I even went as far as falling out with my aunt (who never liked my caring for him because according to her, such people don't appreciate) to ensure he attended night school to improve the quality of whatever education he'd had.

In couple of months, Anozie transformed into a hunk. Sex appeal hung on him like a Hallow to a saint. 

At this point, my attraction for him was on fire.

But then, the  first red flag came when he told me how he embarrassed a certian guy he met at the gym.

You see, I had already started taking Anozie out to my hangouts and also, events. And whenever we went out, people would literally stare at him. It was worse when I uploaded our photo together on social media, my Inbox would explode with thirsty whores asking who he was. But because Anozie wasn't on any social media platforms, I didn't bother because no one could have access to him.

Well, so I thought. 

Turned out a member of our FBI (fag bureau of intelligence)  fished him out.

According to Anozie, this certian man at the gym had claimed to know me (and him) and even went as far as showing him our photo (he obviously stole from my Facebook page)on his phone as evidence that he knew what he was saying. He said he didn't pay any attention to him until the man started acting funny. Anozie told me he would wink and lick his lips at him while working out and when the guy started asking him some very nasty sexual questions, he embarrassed him publicly. 

All the while he spoke, i pretended like I didn't have a clue what homosexuality meant. Silly me should have just looked the other way but my brain was fried because of man.

Couple of weeks later,  my aunt traveled abroad and as usual, I had stopped over at her house to see Anozie. He had just finished his chores and was resting when I arrived. All his pacs and pecs were protruding and at that moment, I lost my senses.

 I started asking him questions about if he liked me and all...of which he said "very much". He thanked me for all i've done for him and said it was only God that would reward me.

I don't know how it happened but I started touching him. He was quiet for a moment but as I was about going down to touch his manhood, he stood up and went to the bathroom to shower. 

Instead of me to respect myself and give him his privacy, I followed. 

The bathroom  door wasn't locked so, I let myself in. 

As I entered, I was totally awe struck.

 Anozie was like a god as he stood stark naked under the shower faucet. His body was everything wonderful...his thighs...his bulky broad chest....hard flat tummy full of pacs,  solid shoulders....and most of all, his beautiful fat dick....everything was just marvelous to behold.

Usually, they say muscular men have small Willie's but not Anozie. He was hung.

I commenced my touching and just like before and he didn't say a single word. Instead, he just stood still and closed his eyes. 

As i held his cock and began to stroke it , his penis gradually quadrupled in size. Anozie was a grower. That fat dick i thought i saw at a flaccid state was absolutely nothing compared to what my hand was holding. I damned the consequences of having my clothes wet from the water and went right on my knees to blow him meat.

I made sure I took every inch of his big veiny turgid member down my throat with hungry  joy. For so long I wanted to do this and there was no way i could control my hunger. I Sucked his balls and every single thing around his genitals until he grunted and exploded the entire data of his ancestral DNA down my throat which I swallowed without an inkling of a second thought of spitting it out. 

Now feeling very relieved and triumphant with my self, I stood up only to meet the expression of a sinister disgust on his face. I literally froze for some seconds because I honestly thought he would punch me in the face.  But he didn't.

I tried striking a casual conversation with him  but got no response. Even when I was leaving, he refused helping me open the gate. This was something he would gladly do usually. 

At that moment, I knew I had lost him and trouble was brewing. 

Unfortunately, I made another big mistake. Because i felt guilty, I  sent him a text message apologising for what I did. Deep inside, I had a gut feeling that if shit hits the fan, he might use the text as evidence and just like I suspected, when my aunt came back from her trip, he reported me and  showed her my text. 

I was summoned to a meeting..myself, my mum, my aunt and Anozie who looked like a complete stranger. 

He was first given a platform to talk and talk he did. 

 He also mentioned that I sent "one of my people" at the gym to come and sleep with him. 

Right in front of my mum and aunt, Anozie said I should thank my God that he didn't use his hand to scatter my face and remove my teeth.

Imagine the insult !!!!!!! 

My aunt was mad!!!!! She called me all sort of names that day. Long story short, our relationship was severed. 

I was so ashamed of myself 

 But fortunately, something similar had occurred while I was in secondary school.  I was caught in the act and my mum was called. She handled everything and didn't mention it to a single soul. Not even my dad or siblings knew about the scandal till this very day. 

(Myself and my mum are very much alike. We can help you hide a body and won't tell a soul if have your back)

My mums major anger was "why stooped so low to a mere house boy and have him insult me in her presence". She made sure I was secretly punished and eventually, like all things, the situation passed and even though time moved on, Anozie never left my head. 

About a year later, my aunt had a robbery  incident in her house and because the robbers knew exactly where to go to find goods and values, she suspected that it was as a result of an inside job. Because of that, she locked all her staff and had them tortured in an attempt to confess. My mum took advantage of the situation by hand picking Anozie as the prime suspect and went as far as hiring soldiers to do the drilling. He messed with the wrong mother. 

Even though I felt heart broken on what was going on, I knew the best thing was to keep my mouth shut and mind my business. 

Time passed by and I became independent, moved house and as well, state.

Like I said earlier , I never forgot about Anozie all these while. I didn't know how to go about looking for him and moreover, my base was now Abuja and not Lagos.

One day, my weed dealer who is also my ex fuck buddy ( before I passed him over to a friend of mine who adored ruffnecks) called me to "once again", remind me about hooking up his "cousin brother" (I know right?) to one of my "big friends" if I didn't want him for  myself. 

Several times he'd been telling me about this so called "cousin brother" of his who came from the village, has been through alot, had a big dick ( they've been wanking each other forever) and once had a rich guy who loved and took care of  him but unfortunately, he fucked up and was now living in regret 

Honestly, I had been reluctant about this whole hook up thing  because, for starters, I wasn't a pimp and neither aspired to be seen as one. Two- It took me a long time before I could trust my weed dealer enough to introduce him to my friend because, I know exactly how sketchy some of these street boys are and the last thing I wanted was drama. 

 Most of all, I didn't know who this "cousin brother" was. Besides, I didn't have rich friends (except for that one I had introduce him to ). Heck, even i needed a hook up too. 

He asked me if he could come along with his "cousin brother" to deliver weed so that I could at least see what he looked like. I refused at first but because he'd been persistent for so long, I changed my mind and agreed. In my mind, I just wanted him to just come and leave so that at least I could have peace.

The following night, I was home when my weed dealer called to inform me he was at the gate. I phoned the security to allow him through and in few mintues, there was a knock on my door.

Behind my weed dealer was a very tall and huge guy. As he stepped into the bright light of my living room, it took my brain some seconds to recognize who my eyes were seeing

Right in front of me was  A N O Z I E !!!!!!!

He was way bigger, bald and had full beards. We both screamed and hugged. Before I knew what was happening, he went on his knees sobbing and asking for forgiveness. He kept saying - "bro I fuck up....bro forgive me i fuck up". He was even trying to lie down to beg but  I forced him to stop.

When he told his cousin (weed dealer) that I was the one he talked about, it was quite an emotional moment for him.  He said he now knew why he felt the pressure in his heart to make us meet.  

Anozie told me that back then when i came into the bathroom to suck him off, he was still a virgin and had never thought of engaging in homosexuality. 
He said from that day, he started having the feelings to be with a man and tried looking for me to apologize but all to no avail. 

I was shown the scars he got from the torture by the soldiers and there were so many. He said he was locked up two weeks extra from the rest  and after he was released, my aunt threw him out and he went back to the village. All the while he spoke , we held hands and sat side by side.

After my weed dealer rolled us all a blunt and I got us some whiskey to celebrate the reunion, he left, leaving just myself and Anozie alone.

As it got very late, I began shutting the doors and blinds and he helped me. He also kept walking behind me because according to him, seeing me still felt like a dream.

Eventually, he managed to sit down and watch TV while eating as I went to freshen up and douche (of course). As I had finished rinsing my tunnels and stepped into the shower, he called out to me. I told him I was in the bathroom and before I knew it, he was right there standing at the door and starring at me. 

"You remember ba?" He said with a big smile.

"Remember what?" I replied while feigning ignorant.

"When you confuse my head" he answered and to my surprise, he began to remove his clothes. 

"Wait...what are you doing?" I asked in wonder as I starred at his semi turgid penis. Even though Anozie had added more weight, he did so with more muscles. He still had his lovely body.

"Finishing what we started" was all he said as he stepped under the shower and took my waist in his hand.

"I don miss you die" he said silently and it was at that moment we had our first kiss. It was long...very long and tender. He took my nipple into the warmth of his mouth one after the other and as he did that, I reached for his hot stiffness and stroked it real good while it throbbed in my hands. He gave me permission to take him in my mouth and I did. 

As he slided deep down my throat , it felt like that first time I took his dick in my mouth. As sucked him passionately , he began to moan and call my name so, I stopped and resumed kissing him. I didn't want him cum yet.

After few mintues of kissing, I turned around, soaped our instruments of pleasure, parted my legs, raised my ass and began to lead him straight into my secret garden. Gradually, he occupied every available space and once it was complete, I urged  him to wait so as to adjust to the sharp stings my over stretched ass hole was experiencing. 

Once the hurt subsided and I felt the wave of pleasure building inside of me, I called his name and asked him to own fuck make love to me. And everything I asked for, he gave.

He was rough, he was gentle, he was passionate yet, strong and wild. 

We called each others names as we moaned so loud without giving a damn who could be listening.

I didnt know when my hand reached down on my dick and began to stroke it. And barely 5 minutes after I started, Anozie gave a loud roar as his thrusts became so strong but slow and calculated. I knew he was cumming so I wanked myself furiously so as to join him in his climax.

And then it came....thick warm cum as my whole body went into spasm and wave after wave of shock. It was nearly impossible for my legs to carry me because just as I was ejaculating, Arinze intensified his thrusting so hard that I could barely withstand it.

After we caught our breath and kissed a lot more, we washed our bodies and went to bed in each others arms.

Being an ardent beliver of energy, I can say with assurance that nothing has changed between us. The same energy we had for each other years ago as friends is still the same. It's like time froze and defrosted once we reconnected. 

My mum (who knows and has come to terms with my sexuality) has hinted severally that she would like to see who i am in a relationship with. I wonder what she would say if she knows I am with Anozie. 

Written by 
Chuks E.



  1. From Anozie to Arinze then back to Anozie. Hmmmm
    If I were in your shoes, I'd take him back without sexual relations.
    It'll be nice to know what your mum thinks about this though.

    1. Thank you for pointing it out. It was an error and oversight

  2. I am so addicted to your stories..
    I can't wait to read more and more from this blog.

    You have become my favorite blog.



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