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I use to live in a very notorious neighborhood and it was the sort that crime flourished in broad daylight. The guys in my hood were the sort any gay bottom like me would droll over.

 Though they were hardened criminals, They were hot and muscle ripped. Your typical alpha males. Every morning and evening, they come out in the open and work out in the local gym or play football. 

 They usually competed among themselves who carried the most weight and most of the times, i will loiter around just to catch a glimpse of their sweating ripped abs. Even though my house was decent, i have never been robbed, harassed or bullied by any of the guys. ( Maybe it was because my house was the venue for the cell (house) fellowship of my church and locals came to worship) .

 Also, occasionally my church members did evangelism to these “hardened men”. Any time they (hood boys) see me come back from work, they will call me “small pastor” (small because of my stature (people mistake me to be a teenager even though am rounding up my 30s) and pastor, because of the house evangelizing and fellowship).

 Among them , was this particular guy who scared the ghost out of me. 

Mopol is what he was called.

 He looked like the devil. Vicious, cold and all shades of ugly. The entire neighborhood and even his fellow hood boys obviously were scared of him.

 On one occasion, I have seen him smashed a bottle on a guys head and attempted to stab him if not that the guy ducked as he swung the broken bottle at him.

 If not that rent was cheap and my place of work was very close by, absolutely nothing (except for the hot area boys) will make me live there.

 I had just closed from work one day when mama adobi (a woman who sells oil in my neighborhood) called my phone.

 “big wahala dey o” were her first words.

 She told me that the police came to the neighborhood and there was an exchange of bullets between them and a gang. she said that a life was lost in the shooting and that I should be careful when coming home because the police were still around.

 As i drove into the neighborhood after the close of work, it was obvious something had happened. There were armed police men and vans all over the place. People raised their hands to walk and they were searched. Myself and my  car was thoroughly searched after my proof of identity was requested. 

After they were satisfied with the search, i was cleared to drive through. As i got home, i noticed my front door was opened. I wasn’t Surprised because sometimes, I do forget to lock my door especially when am rushing to work.

 I got into my house and locked my door. 

After saying my prayers, i went to ease myself in the toilet and almost died of fright. 

Mopol the devil was hiding in my bathroom looking really dirty as if he fell into a gutter. Before I could let out a scream, he mouthed “abeg” and began begging me silently.

 He looked like a cornered puppy. 

He was very scared. 

 “how in Heavens name did he get into my house?”.....of all places why my house?” i thought in fright. 

His frightned countenance suddenly changed as he smiled- revealing a well dented row of white teeth. 

Wondering what was amusing him, he nudged his head to my groins. Looking down, i realized I had peed in my trouser.

 I was flushed with embarrassment as i quickly went to change in the bedroom.

 “what if he has robbed my house? ...did I lock my door before leaving for work? Did he break in? Does he know i sometimes forget to lock my door? What if he had a weapon on him? What if the police comes knocking?” i asked Myself nervously as i took off my shirt and wet trouser. 

As I turned around, he was in the bedroom with me. 


 I quickly used my clothes to cover my chest and groins as i starred at him in horror like a Hollywood screen diva.

 He was clearly was amused at my display but then he mumbled what sounded like “sorry” and steeped out of the room so that I could dress up. After i got dressed, i went to the living room only to find him peeping from the curtains. 

 “you better step away if you don’t want to be seen” i said .

 I informed him the area was surrounded and there was a search going on. 

 How daft was he? If he got caught we both were in trouble. 

 Horror overwhelmed him as I took out my phone but I motioned to him to calm down. I called the Secretary of my house fellowship to inform her that I will be travelling so therefore my house won’t be available for any meeting whatsoever until i return.

 After I rounded up the call and hung up , mopol collapsed on the floor. His large hands covering his face. 

 I went to shower and after I was done, I then handed him a towel and new toothbrush. He thanked me went into the bathroom. 

 Lost in thoughts and wondering what next to do while fixing dinner, he stepped out out of the bathroom and stood at the kitchen door. He had finished having his shower. Wearing only his boxers and holding his dirty clothes in his hands, he asked me for a bucket and washing soap so he could wash his stained clothes. I caught myself starring at his muscled body and quickly told him to drop them in the laundry basket. 

 He smiled briefly and thanked me as he did as I said. I couldn’t bear the thoughts of having a half naked sex nuke in my house so I went to find something he could wear.

 Because all my clothes where too small for him, I gave him a bathrobe to wear. Once again he thanked me. I told him food would be ready in a moment and he should make himself comfortable in the living room.

 Few minutes later, we both were sitting on the floor in the living room eating rice and stew. 

 As we ate, he asked if it was my girlfriend that made the food and before I could catch myself, I said they have no significance for women in my life. I tried bail myself but he paid no attention as he ate and kept saying

 “ I hear you “. 

 He now told me that i didn’t allow the crayfish simmer properly in the stew but however, it was a good attempt.

 “really???!! say you sabi cook” i said as i rolled my eyes. He scuffed and said his cooking can make me not only lick but chew my fingers. We both laughed as he gathered the plates to take to the kitchen. As he was getting up, i caught a glimpse of his dick from his boxers pee hole and in that split second, his eyes caught me red handed looking at his dick. I quickly looked away. He gave a false cough and then cleared his throat dramatically as he walked to the kitchen. I was so embarrassed. 

He washed the dishes and then joined me in the living room. Mopol refused sitting on the sofa (out of courtesy ) and it took loads of arguments before he agreed to seat on the sofa. We were watching a Nollywood movie and all i could think and look at was his body and hairy stomach and big hairy legs. 

Even though he was rat ass ugly facially, his body was more than enough compensation. He had loosened the bathrobe and exposed his gorgeous hairy body. I felt he did it on purpose because i could swear his eyes kept darting sideways towards where I sat. It was getting late and I had to get to work the next day so, I asked him to turn off the TV whenever he was done and join me either in the bedroom or sleep in the living room – whichever he so desired.

 He told me he will sleep in the living room so I got him pillows and we both said goodnight. 

 I waited in vain hoping he will come to the bed room and fuck me like the proper agbero (tout) but he didn’t.

 In the middle of the night , i got up to check on him but he had slept. 

 Very early the next morning at about 6:30am, i woke up and was super horny. Mopol was still asleep. I took a dump in the toilet and then showered. Still wishing for a cock up my ass, i got my dildo (the type you stick to the wall) and then began servicing myself. 

I was just about Cumming when the bathroom door swung open and there was mopol with his erect dick in his hands (looking as if he was sleep walking ). 

He obviously wanted to take a piss in the toilet and had his morning erection. I screamed

 “NO!!!” but it was too late. 

He had seen me. 

 “FUCK MHEN!!!” he shouted as he turned his face away as if he'd just witnessed something ridiculous. 

 “na wha for you o” i heard him say behind the door. 

 “you were not supposed to see that” i replied. 

 “i don already see am nah…. abeg i want piss”. Without waiting for my reply, he pushed the door open, brushed passed me and went straight to the toilet bowl. 

 As i walked to my room, i could hear the loud drops urine in the urinal and a thunderous fart. 

I rushed My dressing up and dropped a note that I will be locking him inside the house for security sake and hoped he didn’t mind. I ended the note with a “am sorry for the embarrassing situation but you were not supposed to see what you saw”.

 He was still in the toilet (thank God ) when i left so I dropped the note in the living room and sped off. 

 That evening when I arrived, he had prepared us food and tidied the whole house. I was still too embarrassed to look at his face and he noticed. 

He began laughing at me and asked if I was still ashamed of what happened in the morning but I couldn’t answer. He began teasing me saying i behave like a woman while also tickling me. I laughed so hard And tried tickling him back. He wriggled like a dragon and ran away. His laugh was so loud i had to beg him to keep quiet. 

From that night, we began bonding like old buddies. He told me about prison life (he spent 2 years there ), told me about how gay sex operates and all. He told me he can kill anyone who harassed gay people because he believes that God created gays that way. 

He also told me that there was a gay guy who used to live in the neighborhood (before I moved in) and unknown to him, one of his boys bullied him and even went as far as setting him up. And because of that, the guy left the neighborhood. He said ever since that day, he had developed strong hatred for his mate and nobody knows that it was because of what he did to the gay dude. 

 He said that I reminded him of the guy so much. From the sound of his voice, i could tell there was either something between him and the victimized gay dude or about him in person. He told me how he made all A’s in his senior WAEC and because there was no money to further his education (which he was desperate to achieve), he turned to robbery and was caught on his first mission. 

The streets was the only thing that cared so he stuck to it. I tried talking about God but he had a strong distaste for religion because when he was in need and turned to the church, all they did was use him under the Cloak of promises. 

 Despite he was no doubt a hard man, it was evident its because he had alot of softness to protect. 

He said he doesn’t do crime anymore and came to lagos to hustle. He also told me one of the touts terrorizing the neighborhood was his cousin and he was still was an active criminal and he was squatting with him. He also disclosed to me that his cousin committed a robbery recently and has been arrested so he suspects the recent raid was due to his confession . 

 “but you know you cannot go back to that house?” i said to him. “the police will keep watch in the next few days if not weeks”.

 “na me you dey tell that one?” he scoffed. He told me he knows that the neighborhood is crawling with plain clothed police officers because most guys in that area are wanted men. 

 “you can stay here as long as you want until this whole thing dies down” i suggested; hoping he will agree.

 And agree he did.

 For the next few days i got him clothes and shoes his size. 

I also helped him cut his short dreads which we both had a good laugh while i shaved him. 

 One day as i left for work, he asked me to buy him relaxer and dye (which i did). when i got home , he asked me to help relax and dye his hair and I did. 

While rinsing his hair, he disclosed to me that he loved having his head massaged that it turns him on and makes him sleep. 

 “na him be say i don get work” i joked (hoping he knew i meant it). 

 All he did was say “abi?”. 

 When it seemed like the massage was taking too long, he said to me.. “ oya e don do. Comot make i pour water for body ”. 

 He wanted to have his shower and didn’t want me in the bathroom with him. But I still stood there..... refusing to leave. 

I needed him so bad.

 “this one you no want comot abi You want look my prick?” he said as he turned his back to me and removed his boxers to step under the turned on faucet. 

 He had a strong back and a small black ultra tight backside. He seemed to be holding his dick because I couldn’t see any sign of it dangling from in between his legs.

 “what are you hiding” i asked him jokingly as i steeped closer to have a peek. 

Immediately , he turned his back to the position I was coming through and with his other hand splashed water on me.

 From the little i saw, i could tell he had a good dick. 

 “abeg make i see nah...” i shamelessly began to plead. 

 “If i show you, you promise say you go comot.?” 

 Yes. I answered. 


 “DEAL!!!”. I agreed without thinking.

 “GOD!!!!” I yelled; clasping my hands on my mouth as he turned around. Though His cock was semi hard, it looked like a python. So Thick, long, veiny and black. 

 “oya comot…before you rape me” as he giggled at my reaction while pushing me out of the bathroom. 

 I honoured my words and left him to shower. When he came out of the bathroom, he had just his towel. I noticed there was a bounce and pride in his walk.

 Obviously, he knew his penis was a wonder and he had something i loved. He began to sort of pose in a subtle way as he oiled his muscled body. 

 “wetin you dey look?” he asked me smiling.

 “what are you feeling like now?” I replied as I rolled my eyes and flipped my invisible hair. He fell on the floor laughing. He tried to mimic me but failed woefully. He just couldn’t stop laughing as he begged me to do it again. But I refused.

 He pretended to be angry and went to sit down. I walked behind the sofa where he sat and began massaging his head. 

 “leave me alone. Stop bribing me”. 

 We both knew he liked it and didn’t want me to stop. After a while, he had grabbed his dick and was pressing it down. Whatever I was doing was no doubt working. 

Noticing he was getting aroused, i jumped over from behind the sofa where I stood and sat beside him. He just closed his eyes as he rested his head backwards. I ran my hands softly over the hair of his bulky chest and pointy nipples and he twitched just a little. His solid 6 pacs felt like steel in my hands and then i genty put my tongue on his nipples. He giggled and then moaned softly as i sucked on it while fiddling with the other nipple and chest hair. I ran my hands lovingly over the hand that held his dick and then i joined him to hold it. 

It was solid as a rock. I knelt in front of him and undid the towel. As I did, he now let go of his dick. While I stroked it with deep admiration, i tried to kiss his lips but he didn’t respond. I Tongue Kissed his neck, nipples and armpits as well. As i got to his dick and was about taking it into my mouth, he opened his eyes and said 

 -“go baff” 

 It was more of an order and I knew he didn’t have to say it twice . I kissed his feet and sucked his neat toes briefly and then i left for the bathroom. I brushed, douched, showered and put a little scent on my semi damp body to retain a distinct fragrance when my body air dries. 

I also oiled just inside my anal walls generously and left the surface dry. This technique is good because all it will take is a little spit to let the dick slide in without much difficulty. 

When i arrived the living room, mopol was still sitting down. His prick had lost its turgidity and laid lazily on his thighs like an overfed snake. 

As i approached him, his dick began growing with each nod. I came in front of him and leaned over to his warm solid hairy body. His hairy chest cushioned my body as my lips met his. Mopol opened his mouth to welcome mine and as we kissed deeply , he inhaled my scent And complimented it.

 Crushing his lips on mine, I knew he was hungry for me. His hands caressed my back and my fleshy soft ass. I resumed my tongue worship on his body and he watched me with pride and satisfaction as i took his pole in my mouth and began to mercilessly deep throat the shaft. 

 He sat upright, edged himself foward as he met my thrusting head. Looking up, i caught his eyes smiling down at me. He was loving it. 

Laying down on the rug and facing up to the position he sat on the sofas edge, I went for his dangling big balls.

 “na aaahhhhhhh so oooooo hhhhhhh” he moaned repeatedly. 

 He moved foward and was now completely squatting over my head as i sucked his balls i could see his sealed ass hole. I licked my way up to his ass hole and began to rim him. He went ballistic. He let out a little fart in my mouth but I didn’t stop.

 I held his very long and thick penis in my hand and strokes it with my saliva lubricated hands while i assaulted his man Hole with my mouth. 

After a while, he stood up and faced me. I sat up, positioned my back on the sofa's edge and he inserted his dick back into my mouth. As i sucked him madly, it occurred to me he wasn’t touching me. 

I now laid on the sofa, pulled him to me and while we kissed, i moaned “suck my nipple”. 

 He went for it. 

After tickling each of my fat succulent nipples, he started sucking and chewed my them one after another. He serviced them so hard i begged him to slow down. As he went for my dick and sucked me equally hard and rough, i raised my legs up revealing my cakes and smooth pretty pussy hole. I had just rimmed him and I hoped his instinct would tell him to do same . 

 Gladly, he did.

 His tongue brushed my ass hole couple of times like a child licking a lollipop at the envy of other kids watching. Then he consumed it like a beast. He used his teeth to massage the fleshy mound of my protruding pussy hole as he pulled my ass cheek wide apart.

After a thorough rimming,  he got on top of me and looked into my eyes as his cock poked my hole. I took a big wad of saliva in my hand and found my way to his enraged dick. Lubing it up properly, it began to glide inside me so smoothly. 

A smile played on his lips and he never blinked nor shifted his gaze from my eyes as he slowly soaked every single inch of his big long dick inside of me. When he was completely inside me, he moaned a soft “baby you’re so sweet” as he kissed me warmly before he began fucking me. 

 He had “desire” written all over his facial expression as he nailed me like a real man. 

“you love me baby?” 

he asked almost inaudibly and he pounded me. 

 “yes baby...i love you daddy ” i moaned as i opened my ass wide enough with both my hands for his big pole to fuck me deeper properly.

 “i love you too baby.....You’re my wife baby....I love your ass baby...i will make you happy baby.....take my big dick baby” he just went on and on...

 “i want you to release in my mouth...i want to drink your love juice” i moaned. 

 He was taken aback first but then nodded and kept on drilling me nice and steady until he began moaning "take it...take it".  

He held his dick quickly and stood on the sofa. Standing just over my head, i took him in my mouth as jets upon jets of sperm flew straight into my mouth. He fucked my mouth as i swallowed His hot fresh natural milk.

Resuming his position, he penetrate me again. 

 “you’re the best baby” he smiled and said as he continued fucking me. 

Mopol went two more rounds at a stretch before he could rest while I wanked myself to climax as he sucked my nipples.

Mopol stayed in my house for 2 weeks and 4 days and we fucked almost every day.

We eventually got him to his village in imo state which was the safest place he could stay and at least survive for the time. I Visited him frequently until i got transferred to Port Harcourt and he joined me .

 Written by 

 Geoffrey B.

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