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I had just turned 17 when i left the village for the city.

In all my years, i have never been to the city. I only hear stories from my peers (who have been privileged to visit) on how vibrant and fast paced it was; unlike the boring village. Anytime i watched local movies, i will pay close attention to the city scenes and wish i had such opportunity. I had finished my secondary school education by miracle and it was obvious furthering my education wasn’t going to happen; this was because my guardian (grand mother) who I took care of as well as my other relatives saw me as a burden.

I was the scandal of the family. My mother had me when she was very young and had to Keep me a secret before and after i was conceived. She had abandoned me to her mother (who from the look of things, didn't want me either) to take responsibility. My mother re-married and had moved on. To her, i was a past that must be forgotten.

I became  the scorn of the family  and  neither did my grand mother nor relatives hesitate to remind me of this position anytime I dared show any sign of frustration or depression with their ill treatment towards me. I worked my ass off to survive.

I remember i had just come back from the farm when one of my uncles who was visiting from the city Was talking to my grand mother (who was sounding very irritated over the discussion). At first, i paid no attention to them but once I heard my name, my heart squeezed in my  chest. I heard my grand mother insisting over something I wasn’t too sure about. But it wasn’t long before the answer was revealed. I was summoned only to be informed that I would be going to the city with my uncle the next day.

The relief that came over me was so overwhelming even though i didn’t show emotions. “Finally I would be leaving the horror of my grand mother and the dead silence of the village” I thought to myself as i packed up the few belongings I had...but little did I know i was in for a big surprise.

Very early the next morning, my uncle and I drove all the way to city. It was a very long drive and at a point , i lost all excitement of seeing the city (guess It was my impatience).

We finally arrived the city and indeed i was mesmerized. The tall buildings , long bridges that over looked the ocean (which I was seeing for the very first time), big roads and assorted cars filled me with wonder.

we eventually arrived at my uncles residence and honestly, i was appalled by the unkempt and over crowded environment. It was a 4 storey building and my uncle lived at the 2nd floor.

As we got into his house, i was shown where to keep my belongings as well as the corner i would be sleeping. I was briefed on my duties and also threatened; should it be i falter in any. Even though i was exhausted from the journey, i was ordered to start working immediately.

My uncle had 4 daughters and all of them where perverts. They did all they all they could to make me have sex with them never minding it was incest as we where related (cousins).

They would barge into the bathroom when i will be having my bath (for some weird reason there was no lock on the bathroom door), refuse to leave when i was dressing up, touch me inappropriately while commending about my built body etc. They even went as far as telling me they like how big my dick is ( they use to touch my penis) and on one occasion, i had woken up to find the eldest daughter of my uncle sucking my dick while i slept. I was so angry and felt so dirty because she was my cousin and i was a virgin (which i took great pride in).

i was also aware that the next door neighbours sons and house boys where fucking my cousins. They talked openly about it and it really angered me how reckless they were. Several times i wanted to go back to the village but that was a hopeless situation.

I endured this emotional and physical abuse for about 4 years until One day, my uncles friend was visiting  and i served him food. He was so pleased with my cooking that he told my uncle that he wanted me to come with him because his boss was looking for a cook. My uncle, who was eager to get rid of me, agreed on the terms that whatever payment that was due to me should be paid to him as my custodian. His friend agreed. That very day, i left my uncle's house for an unknown destination.

We took  few buses and eventually,arrived at a very big house which was surrounded by a very high fence. The gates of the house reminded me of the gates of the eze's (king) palace in my village; definitely, Whoever owned this house must be an important person. I was taken to a room at the back of the building  where i was asked to rest for the rest of the day.

The next morning, i was shown round the house and given my daily task and routines. I didn't get to see the owner of the house. I learned he worked outside the country and comes around occasionally.

It was about two weeks later when i was doing my morning chores; a chubby handsome man (maybe in his late 40/ early 50s) walked into the kitchen. Usually, i do see different faces come around the house who  i was made to believe were the relatives to the owner of the house. So i assumed he was one of them. He asked me if i was the new cook and i said yes. We got into a conversation and in no time, We began chatting like old friends.

 When i asked if he wanted to eat, he said he will only eat if we ate together. I declined because am usually not a breakfast person but because he insisted, i succumbed.

 He asked me to bring the food to the dinning table and i refused because i was scared and thought it disrespectful to the owner of the house. But once again, he insisted and joined him.

 As we ate, he asked me about my background and for some unknown reason, i felt i couldn't hide anything from him. I told him about the situation surrounding my birth, my coming to the city, my uncle and the agreement between him and his friend regarding my wages as a cook. When i mentioned my cousins and how they molested me, our chat took another turn.

He started asking me very personal questions such as - if i masturbated, how many times i masturbated a week, what i use to masturbate,  if i have ever had sex before etc. all of which i answered honestly. I also returned his questions and he answered.

When he asked me how big my dick was, i told him i didn't know the exact measurement but when i tried making a description, his eyes grew wide in surprise and disbelief. He said he doubted me and asked if he could touch my dick. I gave him the go ahead because I didn't find anything wrong with him touching me- after all, he was a man like me and i was enjoying our discussion.

I was already getting turned on from our naughty talks so my dick was already in a good state. When he touched my penis, his jaw dropped. He knew i wasn't lying. He asked me if i wanted to touch his dick and i said "no". He sort of pressured me and i eventually felt his cock. it was so strong, short and very fat. We stroked each other through our clothes and he told me he really enjoyed my company. I told him i did too.

We felt it each others dick for a while and eventually, I had to excuse myself. I had been informed earlier that the owner of the house would be coming that night so there were alot of task and chores to carry out. I promised my new friend that I would see him once I was done and hopefully, we will continue from where we stopped.

After doing all my chores and errands, i was so exhausted That I slept off immediately I showered.

It was quite late When i woke up. I remembered my new friend and wanted to check on him. I knew definitely he would be in the main building so, Just as i was about leaving the room, my uncles friend (who we all call “brother thank God”)  came to my room and asked me to follow him that the owner of the house has arrived.

from his behaviour, it seemed that whoever was the owner of the house was a good man though part of me was already imagining being sent back to the village or worst still, my uncles house. I silently prayed that God should help me and give me favour in the sight of this man. I would commit suicide if i was sent back to where i came from. I thought.

As i got into the living room, it seemed like the whole staff where present. The gate man, the Gardner, the man who looked after the dogs, the drivers....every body was present in the living room. Sitting on a sofa and going through some documents was my new friend.

I didn’t need any prophet to tell me he was the boss. I felt i could die at the spot. I had just touched this man’s penis couple of hours ago without knowing who he was.

“this is the new cook sir". Brother thank God said as he introduced me to his boss.

Looking at me through the rim of his glasses, my new friend smiled and this made Everyone turn around to look at me in confusion.

“my friend!!!!” he exclaimed as he patted the empty space on the sofa where he sat... indicating i should seat down beside him. My legs almost failed me but i managed to walk to him and take a seat.

“we have already met and he cooks well" our boss said as i quietly sat beside him. After asking his subjects some questions and giving them tasks, he dismissed them except for myself and brother thank God.  He asked my him about my wages and instructed he discuss with my uncle on the change of payment method.

Shortly after, both men began speaking a language that was completely alien to me. During their discussion, our boss put his arms over my shoulders and began stroking my arm. As they spoke, our boss said something and brother thank God eyes lit up in surprise and immediately, darted to my crotch. When my eyes caught his, he smiled in a funny way.

In my mind, i knew he had been told about our mutual cock feeling and this made me feel terrible.

“my oga really likes you. He will take care of you if you make him happy” brother thank God said; still wearing his sleazy smile.

“Am sure we like each other” our boss said as he nudged me closer as if to urge a response. I just nodded my head in affirmation.

Our boss said something in vernacular to brother thank God and he excitedly asked - “when did he come back?”

“we came together.. he wanted to surprise you” our boss added.

Brother thank God seemed very eager to see this person they seem to be discussing about because he began urging our boss to take him to him. Looking at his watch, our boss approved and we all drove off.

We arrived at this nice looking block of flats in a very posh neighbourhood and went upstairs to a flat. We where welcome by a smallish man who had such a big smile when he saw brother thank God. Both men jumped into each others hands in a crushing hug and to my shock, they kissed.

I have never seen two people kiss in real life talk less of two men. I didn’t know what to think of it. We where welcomed into the living room and evidently, this man was doing well for himself. He served us alcohol and some foreign snacks. While we drank, our host went inside and came out with a luggage.

“this is for you” he said to brother thank God as he handed over the bag. But it seemed he wasn’t interested in whatever was inside the box because he ( brother thank God ) couldn't keep his hands to himself. He was busy touching our host and trying to kiss him. Our boss asked him to slow down but he said he had missed our host and couldn't help himself.

In front of myself and my boss, both men began kissing again but this time, it was more intense as they  romance themselves in such a manner that watching them made me get hard. Brother thank God stood over our host, brought out his very long dick and put it in our host mouth.

Our host began sucking him slow and steady and I couldn’t stop myself from watching with interest. My boss leanded on me and began to kiss my neck and rub my dick. I don’t know if it was the brandy I drank but i had such confidence that I took his face in my hands and kissed him so deeply. I have never kissed anyone in my whole life...infact, i was still a virgin at the time. All I wanted was a good time and since the atmosphere was sexual, i embraced it.

My boss was such a good kisser and because I didn’t want to feel like a novice, i did my best to reciprocate. In no time, my trousers where off and my boss had my long  fat dick in his mouth. It felt incredibly wonderful for a village boy like me and all i could do was fuck his throat like crazy.

After a short while i pushed my boss away and went for his shorts. I unzipped his fly and brought out his thick penis. Without thinking twice I took him in my mouth. I must have done a bad job because i remember he didn’t want me to continue.

By the time, brother thank God was already fucking our host with such valour that I was jealous. I wanted to fuck too. It felt like a competition for me. Me with my boss versus brother thank God with our host.

When i told my boss I wanted to fuck him, he asked if he would fuck me in return and without thinking much, i said “no problem”- this was because i assumed it was expected to return the favour.

Completely undressing me, my boss asked our host for something and he pointed to a bottle on the floor. Taking some of the content from the bottle, he rubbed it on my dick and on his ass. Lying on his stomach to the sofa with his ass raised, I positioned myself behind him and began to enter him. He groaned hard but held still until all of my dick was inside. It was so fantastic. His hole was so deep, wet, juicy and warm. It was the warmth of it that really made me feel an unexplained comfort. I didn’t waste a second to start slamming into him. As i fucked with the sweetness of his ass, i also, wanted to out shine my opponent (brother thank God) so i increased my speed.

My boss was moaning and shivering as i drilled him well without mercy. What sort of surprised me was that despite he seemed in anguish, he threw back his ass on my dick so hard that it felt he was loving the pain. I dont know how long i fucked him before i began to feel a shattering sensation exploding all over my nerves as i began to release years of stress and sorrow through my sperm into his deep honey hole. It took me couple of minutes Before i could regain myself.

My boss kept moaning “You are too sweet" to me as i laid collapsed on his back...panting and sweating. I looked at my competitors and I could see they were still busy. Brother thank God was licking our host ass hole as if it were some delicious fruit.

When i got off my boss, i saw a big patch of wet stain on the floor and sperm on his dick. He too had cum.

We caught our breath and drank a some more. In no time, we were kissing again and I was so hard...I wanted to fuck him again. I could still feel the warmth of his hole in my dick but i knew it was his turn to have me as agreed.

My boss asked me to lie in my back and raise my legs up and I did. He bent down and started licking my hairy ass hole. I felt i could faint out of intense pleasure. The way he licked me was so good I couldn’t help myself from gasping. He fingered me briefly with the cream and then started entering me while at the same time masturbating my dick. I was torn between pleasure and raw pain as his thick short Penis forced its way into my lubricated virgin hole.

My eyes were closed all the while when suddenly , i felt a mouth on my nipples. My head somersaulted. My nipples were sucked, dick wanked and ass fucked...All at the same time. Unlike me, my boss was so gentle in his fucking. It was too sweet.... too sweet to explain.  I started begging him for mercy because i felt i  couldn’t endure the sweetness no longer. My whole body was hot and I was trembling as if i had high fever.

 My boss really made me feel so good That in no time, i felt my juice coming  again. I told him i was about to cum and he began to thrust fast into me.

In that instance as my cum shot out of my dick, i felt his cock pulsate violently on my  ass hole whose muscle was contrasting fiercely as my sperm duct offloaded its entire content.

My whole chest and part of my face was covered with my cum. My boss kissed me never minding if my face was stained. Feeling completely exhausted, i slept off immediately.

The next morning , i was surprised to find myself sleeping in my bosses room. He told me I was too drunk To have noticed when we left. At first i thought it was all a dream but my ass proved otherwise. I realised brother thank God didn’t come with us. Infact, he came back 3 days later.

From that day, my boss and I fucked each other almost daily for about 5 years. He sponsored me through my university education. Because he was barely around, i met someone else (my current boyfriend) and began a relationship. My boss really wasn’t happy but he understood. I eventually graduated, got a job, moved out of his house (which he eventually sold. He (my boss) has relocated finally to joined his family in the states.

As for Brother thank God, things went bad in his marriage which ended up in a divorced. He moved into his lovers house ( who hosted us that night I tasted my first forbidden fruit) and Last time I heard from him (brother thank God) he told me he was leaving Nigeria (with his lover ) in search of greener pastures.

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