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I was on holiday and visiting my aunt when I ran into Beade. He lived on my aunts street and anytime I went to see her, I usually caught sight of him sitting at the  front porch of his compound but never for once have I  said hello . 

One day, while I was doing my usual visitation , he called my attention, walked up to me and introduced himself. 

"Hey, what's up? My name is Beade and I usually see you around occasionally.. guess you don't stay around here". 

He was right.  I didn't leave in the state at the time because I was still in secondary school and stayed with my mom in the south-south while My dad (whom I visit on holidays) lived in the Eastern part of Nigeria. 

Beade was muscled , dark skinned , average height and was very hyper-active in a loquacious manner.  

He took me into his compound to show me which room specifically was his - (he lived with his elder brother and younger sister). Though he was evidently older, we hit off pretty fast and I promised to pay him a visit.  

Also, I showed him where my aunt lived and it happened he knew my cousins as well.

From that day, anytime I saw him outside enroute to my aunts, we would exchange pleasantries and whenever I was on holiday , I would ensure I paid him a visit.

Eventually, I got into a university in the same state and about that time, I didn't see Beade anymore. He and his siblings had moved house so, there was no way to find him. Also to mention, my cousins and aunt told me he had come around to ask of me. Unfortunately, this was in the early 2000's so, mobile phones were scarce.

It was in my 3rd year in UNI that I ran into his brother in a restaurant on campus . He had stopped by with a girl to eat and it was a truly pleasant surprise meeting each other after many years. 

He insisted I join him to their new place and we couldn't wait to see Beade's reaction if he should see me. 

Excitedly, I agreed and after he paid for my food and we stepped out of the restaurant, I was surprised to see he'd come with a big car. Judging from what Beade told me prior, I guessed the car was a courtesy from their eldest brother in Europe. 

When we eventually got to their new place (which was a big house) it was evident that things had changed.  Beade also, had changed physically.  He was looking more fresh and had accumulated more muscle mass. He went wild with excitement just seeing me and we had so much catching up to do that I ended up spending the night. 

Like I mentioned earlier, Beade is very loud and loquacious with no filter. He openly told me how he changed women like underwear because of his new financial status. He didn't care who was listening or not. 

Also to mention, there were few new faces in the house (asides his siblings) who I didn't know and I could swear they were all up to no good because all around the living room, (besides several bottles of alcohol), were laptops and many other electronic devices- clearly, they were into fraud.

There was this very attractive guy whose name was Osinachi. He was evidently older than the rest of  them -  a very tall caramel skinned man with big muscles was he and I was secretly crushing on him.

In the course of our catching up over a strong drink, while Beade was talking of his sexual escapades with him many women ( while being raw, nasty and  vulgar with absolutely no filter), he asked me how many girls I've fucked in my school because he'd heard they're many horny beautiful girls there.

Honestly, I don't know if it was the alcohol , the familiarity of our friendship or Beade's excessively liberal personality  that made me tell him upfront I wasn't into girls. 

He briefly searched my eyes to see if he could catch it as a joke but I was factual. I was no longer the young clueless teenager he met years ago...I was much older and different now.

Beade went quiet for a moment and began talking about how gay sex cannot "move him" etc. He asked me few questions about my sexuality such as; how did I discover it, if I get ass fucked, if I suck dicks etc. He was genuinely curious so, I entertained his questions for a while before telling him he was going too far- of which he understood and stopped questioning.

However, since that day, homosexuality was his main topic whenever I came around.  One day, while visiting him, he started asking me about gay sex right in front of one of his many hookups. He said the girl refused giving him anal sex and he was wondering why she was finding it a big deal.

I got so embarrassed that I wanted to leave but he stopped me and apologised saying he didn't know I'll be offended. I would have called him a liar assuming I didn't know his character- Truly, he didn't mean to hurt me - he was just innocently stupid. 

One day, while we were seeing a movie, he asked me if I would like him to fuck me assuming he was gay. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. But he just won't stop talking. He said he knew I liked him and wanted him to fuck me.

"see... I  have a big dick and I know how to use it very well. I know you will like it" he added jocularly.

He went on to talk about how he would make a good boyfriend ( to me) and how good we would look together if we were a couple. 

I was still calling him bluff when he pulled down his shorts , showed me his cock and asked me to suck him to see if he would get an erection. 

I was flabbergasted. For starters, the room door was wide opened and it was a full house. This guy was really CRAZY. 

I refused. 

He insisted. 

I told him his door was opened. 

He stood up to close it (not lock it).

All these time, his flaccid  penis was still hanging out his shorts.

"Do nawwww..." he urged impatiently and no doubt, his cock was fat with a light pink cap. I held it, put it in my mouth and began to suck. Few seconds into my fellatio, he loudly said "NO" and began to laugh. He said he didn't feel anything. 

I didn't argue. I  simply told him at least he was now sure that he is strictly into pussy.

Without asking him, he told me Osinachi had a very big dick and stressed how he wished his dick was as big as his. He just went on and on about sex and women till I got bored and took my leave. 

God lord, he was so filipant.

Couple of days later, I was bored and had no lecture so, I decided to take a walk. It was about mid day on a weekday and the neighborhood was pretty quiet. I was walking through a short cut that led to Beade's so without thinking, I decided to stop over.

As usual, I followed the back door that led to the kitchen and just as I was stepping in, a deep voice bellowed -  "WHO GOES THERE " from inside the house. 

As I was telling whoever it was that I was the one, I heard footsteps approach hurriedly only to see Osinachi. 

I greeted him and asked after Beade. He said nobody was home except him.  Because we never spoke and weren't friends, I was contemplating going back when he said

- "this one you stand like army.. I dey pursue you? Come inside nah". 

He also asked me to help him lock the back door because he had forgotten to do so. So,  I did as requested.

I sat in the living room while he went inside the bedroom.  

Few minutes later, he called out to me saying I could come inside the room if I wanted and I complied because I was bored sitting all alone. 

As I made my way to the bedroom, Osinachi sat topless on a chair watching porn on a laptop. In all honesty , I didn't see anything wrong... besides, guys watch such all the time- so what was the fuss?

I sat at the far side of the bed while swallowing the sight of his hard muscled body with my side eye when he told me I was free to watch with him. 

Still seeing nothing wrong with the gesture, I made my way to where he sat. I sat at he edge of the bed (which was very close to him) and It was in that moment I remembered what Beade had mentioned sometime ago. 

I began stylishly looking at his crotch in hopes to see how big his meat was. Afterall, he might be having an erection since he was watching porn. 

While I was still trying to make out his dick print, he said - "what's up". (with his eyes still glued to the the scene of a woman blowing a guys dick). 

At first I thought he must've caught me looking at his crotch but before I could respond to his "what's up", he asked me if I can suck like the woman in the video. 

I was totally taken aback. 

'Hmmmm?" He continued... as if waiting for my reply. 

As I was still struggling to figure out what to say, he turned his body towards me (though his head still faced the screen) and began undoing his belt. 

"Come and suck me...put my dick in your mouth" he gasped huskily as he stuck his hand into his jeans and pulled out a really fat dick.

This guy was a wonderful sight to behold.  His huge muscled frame and massive flaccid  cock was absolutely breathtaking and it was in that instant I completely lost my mind. 

My mouth was already bobbing up on down greedily all over his shaft by the time I became aware of what was happening. 

I felt his meat grow in my mouth each passing second until it became super turgid .

His dick was very thick, long and full of veins.

"Wow..." I gasped as I admired the sight of his saliva covered monster. As I welcomed his preek back into my mouth, he moaned "wow"  softly as his hand rested on my head and began pushing more of his man meat deeper into my already stuffed throat.

 Though I was nearly passing out due to lack of air, I welcomed more penis into my mouth as I rubbed his balls To give him more pleasure. 

After a while , he let go of my head and I used the opportunity to catch my breath. 

For the first time, his face left the screen and looked at me.  

- "show me your ass" He said almost in audibly in a husky tone. 

 I was totally spell bound to his charm. I pulled down my  shorts and turned my back at him. 

"Open it...let me see the hole" He ordered.

I didn't hesitate. 

I simply obeyed as I parted my ass cheek to reveal the tender pink of my ass hole.

"Whaaattttt!!!!! God damn" he gasped.

Truth is, I was already very sexually active and my hole was nowhere near "tight". He must have seen how opened it was and that must have blew his mind.

"Fuck...I want to fuck your ass so bad" he moaned as he grabbed my two soft ass cheeks with his big hard and rough palms and began squeezing and spanking them so hard.

Because I'm very light skinned, his finger prints were visible on my ass. I could clearly see them through the standing mirror on the other side of the wall. 

Osinachi was truly mesmerised. He kept murmuring things to himself as he grabbed my ass roughly while on full concentration.  I could also see his facial expression from the mirror. He was completely lost as he starred at my opened pink boy pussy hole. 

He tried sticking his dry finger into my hole and it hurt me pretty bad so, I asked him to get a cream which he did with great speed.

When he returned, his trouser was already on his ankle as he stood beside me and dug his lubricated finger very deep into my hole while I stroked his extremely hard and huge dick. 

With his other hand, he pinched my nipples so hard that it made me wince in pain. At intervals, he will bow his head and take one nipple after another into his mouth and suck them so hard until there was a massive red patch on my chest. Guess he wanted to see how red the bruise could get.

Moments later, he was behind me as I rested my elbows on my knees while standing on tippy-toes like a professional hoe. 

I felt his hands on my both shoulders as he began inserting his very big schlong into my honey tunnel. 

Once all his penis finally entered my hole, he exhaled loudly and began to slowly thrust - thus,  making the acquaintance between our sex tools more easier after which, he went Rambo.

Osinachi is "the man". 

He fucked my brains in circles and squares until I began to tremble and shiver out of intense sensation. 

At some point, I began to beg him to stop but he too, begged me to let him fuck me some more.

"You got a very sweet ass.... is too sweet I swear" he will whisper into my ear as he ravished and blasted my guts mercilessly with solid pounding  while I  saw stars and moons of other galaxies. 

At intervals, he will ask me if I love his dick and how he fucks me and I will moan in response. This was all the answer he needed because he will hit me harder and stronger.

 I am a natural creamer so, the more he dug, the more wet I became. It got to a point his dick was just flying in and out freely.

It truly felt like eternity for me before he began to grunt and ask me if I wanted his sperm inside my hole. I knew he wasn't "asking" ... besides, he has reached the point of no return.

Though I was in agony, I decided to thrill him. I arched my back, bent lower, parted my ass cheeks and tactfully, threw my ass back to meet his powerful thrust.


"OH sht...oh shit...oh shit... oh shit..." he growled and gasped as I felt his milk explode deep inside me. He grabbed me so tight as he shook in ecstasy as if he needed support from crashing on the floor. 

From the way he gasped for air and grunted like a beast, there was no doubt he had just had a very good fuck.

When he finally withdrew his dick, he dipped his hand in the lotion container and began to wank my dick.

As I began to feel my cum approaching, I started to moan and rock my body back and forth.

"Yes... oh yes...that's it....that's it...oooh yes....that's it...oh yeah....oh yeah..." he cheered as I shot ropes of thick creamy salty junk all over his hand.

As we cleaned up, I was thankful because I had emptied my bowels few minutes before leaving my house as well as taken a very light breakfast.  

Because the sex wasn't planned, such could have led to an accident and that wouldn't have been a good reputation for me. 

Moment later, after an akward silence, Osinachi said he wanted to sleep and so, I took my leave.

About a week later, I stopped over to visit Beade and I met drama.

Beade literally dragged me by my collar outside , took me to a corner, looked me dead in the eye and asked what happened between myself and Osinachi. 

"Don't lie to me.. you seduced him and he fucked your both holes silly"

I was totally dumb-founded at his reaction. Beade was clearly hurt... I could see it in his eyes even though he was smiling and being playful. 

"So you took all that big dick inside your ass hole like a real bitch?...answer me!!!!" he demanded..nearly sounding as angry As he he was irritated.

At this point, I felt insulted and decided to walk away. 

As I made my way home, it began to dawn on me that Beade must have openly talked about the blow job I'd given him or else, Osinachi wouldn't have had the guts  to open his penis and ask me to suck him. For the fact Beade knew of our (myself and Osinachi) sex , it was also evident that they had discussed me... perhaps, openly with the other house mates (including Beades brother) present.  There was absolutely no way I would show my face in that house anymore. 

That was the last time I saw Beade and Osinachi. 

 Written by 



  1. I suspected too, was too easy to get osinachi to you just like that. I'll do same, before they toss me around the house for experiment. Either way, tbvh I need a man like osinachi in my life.

  2. Yeah you are right unknown,they both discuss ik teebee issues among themselves.i need a good big dick to fuck the hell out of my man pussy it's been a while I got so horny 08037222352


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