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Due to the on going economic crisis in Nigeria, my brothers and i decided to open a farm ( fish, birds and crops)  in one of our fathers lands. In search of a reliable supervisor and manager, we spread words among family members and close friends to connect us with anyone they knew who could be trusted with the farm since my brothers and i where full time workers.

My aunt ( who is married to a hot man from Cross River) informed us that her brother in-law who studied agriculture was interested in the job and was willing to take the position provided he has where to stay if he should relocate.

My brothers tried talking me to let him stay with me but i refused. I liked my space and the last thing i wanted was to expose my sexuality to anyone because i had rainbow friends who rode unicorns and butterflies that frequently visited. 

After it was obvious their pleas were not helping, my brothers ( and myself) resolved to getting him an accommodation. Now looking back, i wished i took the opportunity of housing him.  

I really don't know my aunt husbands family because i wasn't even born when she got married. I only knew my cousins (her kids) and we weren't even  "that close" (because they lived abroad). 

Anyways, I was away for a training when Ubong (his name) resumed duty. I had not seen him or known what he looked like for several weeks until one weekend i went to farm accompanied with one of my close sisters ( gay friend).

As we drove into the farm, after one of the workers opened the gate, myself and my friend simultaneously cooed

Few feet away from the car was a black, tall, muscular and handsome daddy specimen. 

I was completely transfixed as he walked with confidence to my car.

"good day sirs" he greeted smoothly.

Retrieving my soul from wherever it had floated away to, i responded to his greeting, Introduced myself and shook his firm strong hands he offered. Gosh!!

Summoning the courage of all my ancestors, i came down from the car and allowed him show me the improvement of things and also, areas that needed more work in the farm. Honestly, i struggled to pay attention to what he was saying. He was just too hot. We exchanged numbers and as i drove home, my friend and i kept shouting all the way home.


We started communicating slowly and i started spending most weekends with him in the farm in the name of "helping" out.

He would laugh at me when i get frightened by the birds or tried to avoid getting stained during work.

He will make side comments like -"this is no job for your kind".

As time went on, we became friends. I got to know that he was married ( unfortunately)  with two kids. His family stayed in the village in Cross River state, He had graduated many years ago but had been in and out of work. He also had worked for the government but they had withheld his salary for  many  until he got fed up of hoping and moved his family to the village.

I showed him round Lagos, got him some clothes, took him to the cinema and brought him along to parties and high profile events which i had been invited to.  

Ubong was a hot catch. I couldn't stop noticing how people starred at him when he walked into a room. His towering height,handsome face and huge muscular frame was indeed too much to swallow at one go.

One day while we hanged out, he reported the behavior of my brothers to me. My elder brothers (am the last) where nasty, rude, un-cultured and greedy so I wasn't really surprised how they treated Ubong. They had been collecting money from produce sales from him without my knowledge despite the fact that i brought over 80% of the money to start the business.

They had told him not to tell me but because i was kind to him, he felt i should know the truth.  

It is no secret that my siblings where jealous of me. I am the youngest among them all but yet, the most successful.My late mum willed everything she inherited from her parents ( as the only child) to me because she knew she could trust me most. My brothers stole from her, drank, smoked, womanized, joined cults in school, dropped out or graduated poorly. 

In-fact, they all took after my father in character and that was what drove my mother to an early grave.

I spilled the beans of my family to Ubong and he too had his own story to tell. ( His story was even worse). We were both surrounded by snakes masquerading as family members. In the course of our discussion, he asked me about my love life. I asked if i could confide in him and he gave me his word. I told him i am gay and he said he suspected as much from my behavior in the farm when i came to work...but he wanted to be sure.

I asked him if it was a problem for him and he said no. Turned out he was opened minded and liked me for who i was.

He asked me about my male lovers and wanted to hear every details about my i did...without sparing anything. In the process, i got emotional and he comforted me. He too disclosed a lot of his secrets and we understood each other without judgement. It felt so natural. 

We talked way into the late of nights and there was no way i could drive to his place at that hour. So since my place wasn't far, i suggested we get to my place and passed the night. Besides, it was an opportunity for him to know where i lived.

When we got home, he was impressed at what i had accomplished for myself. He showered in the guest bathroom and joined me in the living room wearing only his boxers. He was topless.

I saw the shape of his dick in his shorts and i knew for certain he had a big one.

I told him he was very handsome and had a good body.

He laughed and said his muscle body was as a result of hard work and continuous labor.

He asked me what i was looking for in a man ( physically and character wise) and i told him.

"you have just described me 100%. I feel sad am not into the game...or else i would have made you a lucky man" he teased.

I told him i was contempt with his friendship if that was all he had to offer and besides he had his family.  He told me he will do his best to make me happy and i smiled at his genuine concern for me.

After a while, We said good night and retired to our individual rooms. 

The next morning, while we made breakfast, he jokingly said he wished i was a woman because i am the first person in his life to show him care and concern. He said all his life he as been the one giving and nothing was reciprocated.

when i asked him about his wife (as to me being the only one who loved and cared for him), he told me she is naive and is a village girl he impregnated. Because she wasn't educated and came from a "humble" background, marrying her was cheap.

I told him he was the first person i had told my darkest secret without fear of holding back or being judged and he said he felt exactly the same way with me. We looked at each other briefly without saying a word. At that time, i knew for sure i had fallen in love with him and maybe he felt the same .

Since that day (we had told each other our secrets), Ubong became  such a sweet man. He started calling or texting me first thing  every morning and i would be the last person he spoke to at night before going to bed.

( i remembered i had told him i longed for a man who would want me to be the first and last thing in his day and it seemed he was doing all that).

He had told me he liked someone who respects his space, spoke their mind (no matter how bitter) and doesn't pretend. So, I took note and I began minimizing my visit to the farm as well as my calls (which he seemed to prefer doing). 

As the bond  of our friendship grew, he started asking me what I enjoyed in bed (and I told him).

I also told him i enjoyed playing bottom and liked strong dicks to pound me seriously. He laughed and told me that he loves such and likes someone who can be ready for sex any day, anytime and anywhere.  He told me he had a, very high libido but circumstances and hardship had quenched it all. He also hinted that he likes a hole that can " take him well". I didn't want to ask him how big his cock was because i felt it would be awkward.

After several months,we started saying "I love you" to each other easily. We also had begun hugging anytime we met. This happened naturally and innocently. There was no second thoughts attached to it. 

One day, after bringing food for him in the farm, we where talking as he walked me to my car.

For some reason, I dont know why I couldn't enter my car. We just stood and looked at each other....without saying a word. 

"What's up na?" He asked as he stepped closer to me...his hands trailing on the button of my shirt idly as his eyes followed suit. 

"I just dey" I replied as My heart thumped loudly in my chest. My cock was fully erect and aching inside my trouser because I could feel the change of energy.

"Sure?" He murmured inaudibly as he stepped closer to me. I could literally feel the heat and smell of the testosterone from his body.

"What's up?" He asked again....this time in a whisper. 

I dont know how it happened but suddenly, we where both kissing fiercely and holding each other so tight with all our might. 

"Shit mhen" Ubong murmured to himself as he took one step away from me as if regretting what had just happened. 

Understanding he might be feeling guilty because it was his first time kissing a man, I told him it was okay and it's best I took my leave.  He silenty nodded in agreement. 

My heart sank. 

As I turned to open my car door, he grabbed my waist from behind, pressed his crotch on my bum, squeezed the flesh on my chest so hard (as if they where breasts) with his face buried in base of my neck.

He  turned me around, pushed my back to the car and kissed me again. This time with crazy determination.

I surrendered myself to him. 

Right there and then, we went for each other's clothes like we had lost our minds....our lips refusing to separate. 

We didn't give a damn we where outside. Thankfully, all the workers had closed for the day so we had the place to ourselves 

In no time, we were both naked with our lips still locked passionately.

With my back leaning on the car as I clung to his muscular black shoulder, Ubong lifted my legs up as one of his finger found my ass hole and began forcefully finding it's way inside. 

 I was so carried away by the pleasure and thrill of the moment that I didn't care if his rough fingering was hurting me. As we kissed frantically, I managed to moisturize my hand with saliva to moist my hole and he did so to his cock. As i reached for his dick to properly guide him to the gates of paradise, I was thrilled to feel his member. 

It was thick...heavy, had a lot of veins and long enough to travel far inside me. 

As we kissed like starving monsters, he started inching his pole into my saliva wet  and experienced hole. 

Fresh pain catapulted all over my senses but I was too overwhelmed with passion to pay any attention to it.

I don't know how but he managed to enter my hole with only saliva...but he did. 

He fucked me so hard while standing and carrying me from underneath my knees. I could literally feel him deep inside my stomach as he mercilessly stabbed my hole continously with pure stamina. 

"Is it sweet daddy?" I asked to confirm if he was also captivated in the thrill of the moment. 

"Too much " he grunted in response as he kept thrusting his pestle furiously into my now very oiled wet and loosened hole.

I clung tighter to him as our kisses matched the intensity of his fucking. After what felt like forever, he began to moan loudly

- "I love you baby...I love you baby....i love you....I love you "

"I love you Ubong....I love you daddy" I replied with desperately. 

Then it came suddenly. 

Hot streams of cum exploding in abundance  inside my intestines. 

He embraced me so hard while shivering uncontrollably that he lost balance and I had to put my foot back on the floor to stop us both from collapsing. 

Once my feet where on the floor, I felt hot trickles of cum run down the back of my thighs from my open freshly fucked pussy. 

Ubong still hugged me tight as he tried catching his breath. We kissed slowly and a bit longer before disengaging. 

"Mhen....that was hot" he panted as he pulled up his undies....his semi flaccid cock looking all moist and painted with sperm and ass juice. 

Our eyes met and we both smiled. 

"Are you okay?" He asked looking a bit frightened. 

I told him I was good. 

We hugged and I left for home. 

That night, he called (as usual) to say good night as well as to ask if I was okay.

I guess he was afraid he might have caused me some injury. 

Everything continued as normal (with the communication). We only stole occasional kisses (when we met) and because we both where mostly busy, we didn't have enough " quality time ".

Couple of months later, my company had an exclusive 6 days all paid retreat to Dubai for staff who had achieved distinctive excellence at work ; and who else ( but yours truly ) was chosen ?

Because i didnt want to go alone, i asked Ubong to come with me and he was over the moon. He was so excited that it elated me to see him smile joyfully. I paid for his Visa and flight and left together.

It was 6 days of pure heaven.

Our last sex was straight up penetration but this time, we weren't in a hurry.

We washed each other while we showered, dried our bodies (while stealing long passionate kisses) and when we got on the bed, it was real love making that transpired. 

We took time to savor our lips as I got ontop of him while he roamed his hands all over my naked back and squeezed my fleshy bum nicely. 

I tongued my way from his lips down to his solid chest and then I took his nipples in my mouth. He jerked slightly and caressed my damp hair As I sucked them lovingly.  I licked his firm stomach, got to his pubic hair, pressed my nose on it and too a long sniff. It smelled of soap and freshness.

His penis  was already hard and throbbing for attention as Precum dripped from it. I licked off the silky slimy juice and took his cock into my mouth. He gasped as I sank my throat  all the way down to almost the lush of his pubic hair. 

"Baby you're killing me" he moaned as he held my head and created a rhythm to my mouth service with the guidance of his hand. I rubbed his hairy balls...they where stiff and swollen as well. Probably very full of seed. I felt the smoothness of his virgin ass hole and was eager to taste it. 

I moved further down the bed, gently pushed up his heavy muscular legs and began to lick him off while my hands caressed his macho body and walked his meat simultaneously. He clasped his hands over his face and moaned. I inserted one finger into his hole and as he jerked, I put my mouth over his cock and sucked it. 

"Baby you are killing me i swear" he moaned as he pulled me up, kissed me deeply .

"Its my turn" he whispered with a giggle and started licking me. 

I was moaning and gasping like a bitch in heat.  It seems every inch of my body had automatically enhanced its sensitivity. Every touch of his hand and tongue melted my soul beyond explanation. 

By the time he put his mouth on my dick, I was almost at the edge of cumming. I was forced to stop him from continuing. He got the jerk and we both laughed as I struggled to keep his head/ mouth away from my dick. 

When the intensity subsided, he raised my legs, looked at my hole and cooed- "the sweetest" before sucking the life out of it. He was rough and literally chewing /biting my ass hole. No matter how I begged and tried to push his head away, he stubbornly persisted and chewed harder. 

Coming up to me, he planted a kiss on my lips as he simultaneously  inserted his finger inside my hole slowly.

My body collapsed with the sensation of having him finger fuck me while we kissed.

Looking into my eyes as he rocked his finger in and out of my now slowly loosening moist hole, he asked - "do you want me to enter you?"

"Fuck me daddy...please fuck me" I begged as he went for my nipples while still fingering my hole. 

I desperately wanted to be penetrated by his strong dick so bad I almost cried out of frustration. 

Now positioning himself over me, he put my legs on his solid shoulders and began to insert his long thick pole deep inside my thirsty honey cunt while keeping steady eye contact with mine. 

Gosh....his dick was so right...yet, so big.

It was heaven watching his muscles twitch as he sweated while fucking me.

I felt my hole clamp involuntarily on his pole and each time it did, he will moan "wow"

The sex was so sweet I barely touched myself before I ejaculated in such large quantity that I felt so light and weak after cumming. But nevertheless, I wanted him to keep fucking  me. 

He asked me to give him Doggy style and even " touch your toes". Ubong indeed was a sex god. He was never tired. 

Eventually, he asked me to kneel down and began to wank over me. (I had told him a long time ago that-that was one of my sexual fantasies)

"Open your mouth " he ordered as he began to breathe heavily and grunt. 

Thick hot sperm splashed on my face and then he inserted his cock into my mouth and released the remaining sperm down my throat.  I swallowed it all. 

It was such an intense moment we had.

When we got back, disaster struck.

His brother who owned the house in the village his family stayed in asked him to collect his family to join him since he now can travel to Dubai. 

(Turned out my aunt broadcasted it to his family after seeing our pictures on my profile in Facebook).

This really depressed Ubong and I suggested he found another place for his family to stay whereby we can afford to pay towards their rent (and he thought it a good idea).

It's been several months (if not over a year) my affair with Ubong has been thriving. 

Sex with him is ever thrilling and new.

He has even made us fuck inside the poultry among the birds and several times in the open when all the workers have gone home. I have even brought him to my office to fuck me after closing hours. 

In all honesty, it's not just about the sex. We genuinely care and love each others. 

Written by 
Emmanuel N.


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