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800 CE

One of the greatest Arab poets of all time, and widely considered the greatest poet in Islam, Abu-Nuwas was also a notorious troublemaker. He was a master of satire and often wrote about topics forbidden by Islam to shock his readers, which led to his arrest on several occasions. His homoerotic poems ranged from sweetly romantic to downright lecherous: “In the bath-house, the mysteries hidden by trousers Are revealed to you... Feast your eyes without restraint!” Abu Nuwas was immortalized in The Thousand and One Arabian Nights

1977 CE

Bayard Rustin was the heart and soul of the black civil rights movement in America. He was Martin Luther King Jr.’s chief organizer, the pioneer of nonviolent resistance, and the man behind the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, during which Dr. King delivered his influential “I Have a Dream” speech. Rustin’s open homosexuality was contentious, and to this day his impact on the American landscape is all too often overlooked. Walter Naegle, Rustin’s partner until he died, is executor of the Bayard Rustin Estate.

1000 BCE

After killing the Philistine giant, Goliath, the young hero David was brought before Saul, the first king of Israel. Saul’s eldest son Jonathan instantly fell in love with the handsome young warrior, and stripped off his own robe and armor and placed them upon David. When Jonathan was killed by the Philistines on Mt. Gilboa, David mourned and said: “greatly beloved were you to me; your love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women”. The story of David and Jonathan is told in the Old Testament of the Bible, in books 1 and 2 Samuel.


Emperor Ai of Han China fell in love with a minor official, a man named Dong Xian, and bestowed upon him great political power and a magnificent palace. Legend has it that one day, while the two men were sleeping in the same bed, the Emperoror was roused from his slumber by pressing business. Dong Xian had fallen asleep across the Emperor’s robe, but rather than awaken his peaceful lover, the Emperor cut his robe free at the sleeve. Thus, “the passion of the cut sleeve” became a euphemism for same-sex love in China

124 CE

Hadrian deemed Antinous to be the most beautiful young man in all the Roman Empire. Sadly, Antinous drowned mysteriously in the Nile River. Hadrian deified the youth after his untimely death, and Antinous was worshiped as a god; whole cities were founded in his name. As a result of his popularity and statues erected in his likeness, the face of Antinous became one of the most recognizable faces in antiquity. A statue of Antinous and what is believed to be his tomb reside in Hadrian’s luxurious Hellenistic-inspired villa.

2400 BCE

Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum were ancient royal servants who shared the title “Overseer of the Manicurists in the Palace of King Niuserre”. The two men are depicted on their joint tomb in one of the most intimate poses allowed by Egyptian artistic conventions: face to face, with their noses touching. Niankhkhnum means "joined to life" and Khnumhotep means "joined to 'the blessed state of the dead'". together their names mean "joined in life and death”. They are believed to be the first recorded same-sex couple in human history.

1490 CE

The Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci must have loved his assistant Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno (nicknamed Salai, which means “little devil”;). After living with the young hellion for a year, Leonardo listed Salai’s vices, calling him “a thief, a liar, stubborn, and a glutton". Salai stole money and valuables and his art was inferior next to Leonardo’s; yet clearly something about Salai endeared him to Leonardo, since he kept him around for thirty more years and featured him in several drawings and paintings.

1021 CE

Mahmud of Ghazni founded the Ghaznavid Empire and ruled as Sultan. He fell in love with Malik Ayaz, a Turkish slave, and their relationship became widely regarded as the epitome of idealized love in Islamic legend and Sufi literature. As the story goes, Ayaz asked Mahmud who the most powerful man in the kingdom was. When the Sultan replied that it was himself, Ayaz corrected him, claiming that in fact Ayaz was the most powerful, since Mahmud was his slave. the “slave to a slave” became a favorite trope in Persian literature.

303 CE

Sergius and Bacchus were Roman soldiers honored as martyrs. They were discovered to be Christians when they refused to worship the god Jupiter. Bacchus was beaten to death first, but according to legend he appeared to Sergius the next day in his prison cell and promised him: “If I have been taken from you in body, I am still with you in the bond of union”. Sergius was tortured and killed soon after. The two men had been united in a rite called adelphopoiesis, which some scholars believe may have been a type of same-sex union.

1700 CE

Samurai practiced age-structured homosexuality, known as shudō. Ordinarily a Samurai served his daimyo with honor, and was expected to follow his lord in death. However, Mitsushige disliked this custom and asked his beloved samurai, Tsunetomo, to reject it upon his own death. Ironically, this break with tradition led to the samurai code being written down; Tsunetomo lived to retire into the mountains, where he dictated to a young visiting samurai; His commentary became the Hagakure, a seminal guide to samurai culture.

500 CE

There is evidence of same-sex couples in the Americas, and several Native American cultures are known to have tolerated or even revered sexual and gender diversity. Yet there is much we do not know, and cannot know, about homosexuality in the New World. When Christian Europeans conquered the Americas they imposed their values on the indigenous peoples and destroyed records of same-sex relationships, which they identified as the “sin” of “heathens”. Knowledge of the lives and loves of many has been lost to us forever.

1866 CE

Walt Whitman is one of the most celebrated poets in American history. With his book Leaves of Grass, he aimed to write the great American epic, and worked on revisions of it throughout his life. The homoeroticism in his work caused some to label it obscene, but others were deeply inspired by his sensual, earthy poems celebrating the human body and the material world. Whitman met bus conductor Peter Doyle, who said of their first encounter: “We were familiar at once — I put my hand on his knee — we understood.”



1 comment:

  1. I could only manage to read about Abu-Nuwas.
    The rest are too blurry for me to make sense of the content. I believe the texts contain more than the pictures.
    How may I access these?


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