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I went to meet up a straight friend of mine at the mechanic workshop where he was fixing his car. He had asked me to come keep him company and since i had nothing doing at home, i decided to drive down to see him.

While we where chatting away, a certain mechanic ( who will come to know as Bright) came to greet us.

My jaw literally dropped as i saw him approach us.

He was a large solid man and had the softest smile ever that made his intimidating appearance more sensual. He wore an overall but had tied the sleeves round his waist revealing a naked smooth and dark upper torso that glistened under the hot afternoon sun.

Usually,  big guys have the smallest dick but not for this man. The bulge that sat on the groin area was damn too visible on his overall uniform.

His warm politeness as he exchanged pleasantries with us began to trigger my gaydar. But on the other hand, I guessed it could simply be that he was just being courteous because we were customers so, I dismissed the thoughts of him being gay from my mind.

I later left my friend at the workshop to attend to other businesses of mine; and it was later that afternoon that a call came through.  The caller introduced himself as bright the mechanic. He had gotten my number from my friend and wanted me to patronize his service. 

At first, I thought it was a green light from him (as per he was gay) but then,  I reminded myself it was simply a courtesy call asking me to use his service. I decided to forget my Hope's and move on from wishful thinking.

Few days later, I was at work when he called me. I had forgotten to save his number so I didnt know who the caller was. He re-introduced himself and asked if I hadn't saved his number.  I apologized and assured him I will save the number.  But the pressure of work that day made me forget.

Few days later, I was busy at home and a call came through. I was quite irritated because lately , my ex whom I had blocked had started disturbing my life with strange numbers in an attempt to talk to me. I assumed he was the one and I answered the phone quite rudely only to discover it was Bright.


"Its like you didn't save my number as you promised " he said. Wow....I felt terrible for forgetting and apologized.  He told me he just wanted to say hello as he quickly rounded the call and hung up.

I felt so bad that I immediately saved the number and called him back.

I apologized again for my insensitivity and promised to stop by and see him after I had finished my chores at home. He sounded excited hearing this.

I bought a bottle of wine as peace offering and drove down to the workshop. He was his usual smiling self and even hugged me while we greeted. Once again my gay dar began buzzing but my mind told me it was all customer service behavior.

After handing over the peace token (wine) , we sat and talked.  Bright was indeed a very bright and intelligent man.  I felt so at home sitting and rubbing minds with him that I didnt know when time flew.

Lest I forget, I bought food from the nearby restaurant for all his workers and he seemed very happy about it.

Finally, It was getting late and I had to leave. He told me to message him once I got home so he could know I arrived safely. Once again, my gay dar began to buzz but i cautioned myself.

As usual, I forgot to message him when I got home. I had just finished ironing when he called. I apologized for not keeping my words and he was quite understanding. We talked some more and said good night.

I woke up the next morning to his text message. It was actually a prayer of goodwill. This gave me an odd feeling..I guessed because it seemed like those general  broadcast people usually send and not a personalised one meant just for me. But nevertheless, I replied wishing him same.  Few minutes later, he called to ask me about my night. We talked a bit and he asked me if I would be stopping over at the workshop on my way back.

I told him it might be late but he said he would wait if I don't forget. We laughed about it.

We started seeing every day and that was how our friendship developed.

I was very confused about Brights sexuality even though I didnt ask him (and could not). He was always happy to see me every day and was so sweet.

At this point, I was already falling hard for him seriously.

Jokes apart, Bright was the perfect man I could ever wish for. He was hot, sexy, mature, sweet, intelligent and super patient. I got to know he was originally from Mali but was adopted by a Nigerian based missionary who raised him up. He told me he used to  be married but due to fertility  problems, the marriage was dissolved.  But be had a child (a boy) who was in his teen and was in boarding school. Guess he had a baby mama.

He'd studied electrical engineering and had graduated with a second class upper. But because there were no jobs , he had to open a mechanic workshop to make ends meet.

One day,  while we were talking on the phone, I told him I loved him but he replied "same here bro..i love you too". The "bro" part really pained me but I just endured it.

Bright invited me to his house one Sunday so I could know where he stayed and I went over. It was a decent flat In a sort of suburban neighborhood.

We are lunch together and drank the wine I got for him. He hadn't opened it all these time.

While we where watching a movie together, I tried to cuddle up next to him. But it was awkward because he clearly didn't have an inkling idea what I wanted.

He was in his house clothes and because he didn't have any underwear on i could clearly make out the shape of his big penis.

While we watched the movie, Bright slept off. 

As he slept on the sofa, I could not take my eyes off his beautiful strong body.   He was just too magnificent.

My senses had tangled up as confusion set in. I adored this man so much and needed him so bad.

I first laid my head on his thick thighs while pretending to watch the movie. Gradually, I began edging my head towards his penis area. When my head felt the softness of his flaccid dick, I paused.

With my heart thumping wildly, I positioned my hand under my head so as to stylishly feel his cock.i felt his penis and it was exactly as I imagined. Heavy and full.

I wasn't satisfied...I craved for more.  I had to reposition myself by lying on my stomach so that I could  properly grab and squeeze  his cock nice and slow through his shorts.

As his cock began to stir in my grip to an enormous size,  I became completely lost. I couldn't control myself anymore. I didnt know when I stuck my hand through the   side of his shorts to feel his cock live and direct.

It was in that instant that it occurred to me that Bright ought to be sleeping and hadn't moved an inch.

I had a gut feeling that bright was aware  of what I was doing because there was absolutely no way he would not know or feel my hands inside his shorts . To confirm my suspicion, I looked at his face and I was right.

Bright was awake. His eyes where opened and was staring blankly at the TV.

Shit!!!! I have been busted.

I didnt know if I should remove my hands from inside his shorts or continue with what I was doing. His cock was very hard and throbbing in my hand while mine was too (inside my trouser).

He didnt say a word so I guessed he didnt mind.

After some good squeeze, I  pulled aside the corner of his short properly to bring out his black, veiny, fat and long prick.

Gosh!!!!!  It was like a real python.


Silvery white precum was dripping out of his cock hole and without thinking, I licked it off. ( I love precum so much). As I sucked the precum alongside the very big cap of his penis, i felt his muscles tense. Holding up his big dick, I ran my mouth up and down  the muscle underneath his penis. When I got up to the head of his cock, I sucked it like a baby sucking feeding bottle (while using the tip of my tongue to tickle the hole) then I will continue licking under his dick.

I did that for a while and then concentrated on his very big dick.

I had not had dick for nearly one year and my horny state was beyond explanation. I went full force on his huge pole with my mouth ... making sure my throat accommodated every inch of his pole. My eyes and nose were watering profusely because, the extreme length and width of his penis was making me lack air. But I refused to give up. I throat fucked his penis with fury until he began to breathe heavy while his body shivered and jerked. I felt floods of fresh sperm milk explode into my mouth in such quantity that it was more or less a mouth full. I joyfully welcomed every drop as I swallowed hungrily.

I kept sucking his cock (especially the cap) and this made him jerk even more.

I put back his almost deflated massive dick back into his shorts and we sat quietly starring at the TV.  After a while,he stood up and went to the toilet.  I felt so awkward over everything that I just grabbed my car keys and left before he came out.

I switched off my phone through out the rest of the day until the following evening. When I turned on my phone, I saw his usual morning broadcast of well wishes for that day. But there were several messages from the day before.

He was asking why I left without informing him and why my phone was switched off (as he had tried to call me). Just as I was reading his messages, his call came through.  I didn't want to answer at first because I was still nervous. But nevertheless, I did.

He sounded very normal as if nothing happened the previous day.  He even asked me why I didn't come around to see him as usual like I do every day. I lied that I was busy and then he called my names three times. 

"I dont know you to be a liar......Was it because of what happened?".

I felt cornered.

Damn!!!! This man really knew how to get me.

"Avoiding me is not the best solution. Dont allow anything become greater than the love in friendship. Ok?"

I couldn't believe my ears.

All i managed to reply was -  "okay"

He asked me to stop over at the workshop after my close of work the next day and I agreed to do so. After we had ended the call, i sent him a text message apologising over my conduct (sucking his dick) . He replied saying I should not bring it up again that its a thing of the past.

I went to see him after work the next day and everything was fine. We chatted as if nothing had changed and he was still his charming playful self.

"so, when will i return your visit?" he chipped in during our discussion on phone.

I told him he was welcome and jokingly said he could even stay the weekend if he wanted.

"that will be great. So this friday yes?"

I replied before even thinking.

After we said good night, it began to dawn on me that I had led myself into a trap. Knowing myself, there was no way under the sun that a hot man like Bright will be under my roof and I wont want to touch him. 

I began to wonder why he will still want to come to my house to stay for a more longer time after what happened...  could it be that he wanted us to have another moment or he was just being his usual friendly self? i wasn't too sure. But what i was very certain about was that i respected and valued our friendship a great deal.

The day before he came (which was a Thursday), i had gone to the market to buy food items to cook him his favourite meal ( beans and friend plantain) , stocked up the fridge, fueled the generator and cleaned the house. I was so excited to be his host.

We had agreed i would be coming to pick him from his workshop after i had closed and we will drive down to mine together. 

So, on that Friday, i got to his workshop and i could not believe who i was looking at. In all the months of visiting him, he was always in his overall work clothes and the only time i saw him with plain clothes was at his home ( and they where just regular house clothes).

Seeing him dressed in a black jeans, white long sleeve shirt, white snickers and holding a portable sports bag with a baseball hat made him look drop dead sexy.

I was just smiling like a fool seeing how different and sexy he looked.

"why are you shinning your 32?" he teased as he sat beside me.

I told him he looked cute and he called my compliment a bluff.

We finally got to my place and after he'd settled, i surprised him with his favourite meal.   He was completely dumbstruck as to how I knew what his favorite meal was and I simply let him know I have been paying attention.

He hadn't played an X-box before so seeing one was like a kid in a candy store. He absoluetly was captivated. We played games together till late and it was time to sleep.

It was a somewhat awkward moment for me when we got to the bedroom because,  he began undress and I couldn't take my eyes off him.

After he had stripped down to his boxers and singlet, my eyes could not leave his beautful body and huge buldge for a second. In fact, I became restless. I was finding it difficult to lie next to him. He noticed my agitation and asked what was the matter. 

I gave an excuse and forced myself into bed while trying my best to avoid body contact. 

"Pray for us" he said. I was so shy to the point that I refused. After a brief argument and an agreement that I will make the next day night prayer, he decided to pray.

We said good night and slept.

In the middle of the night, I felt the weight of his arm and leg on me. I could tell he was fast asleep because he was slightly snoring. Even though It was very uncomfortable having the weight of his body part on me, I did nothing to salvage the discomfort.  Rather, I snuggled closer to him. By so doing, I felt his penis around my waist region. It was at this point that my hand started travelling behind me to feel his big meat. 

To my delight, it sprung up to full turgidity in few seconds. It was when I dug my hands into his shorts to feel his cock that he stirred and said I was disturbing his sleep. I apologized but didn't remove my hand because he didn't ask me to. 

I quickly removed my shirt and  pressed my naked back to his chest  while seductively moving my body (and bum) on his crotch. He didn't move from his position. He just stayed still. I took one of his big hands and wrapped it warmly around me. With one of my hand, I pulled down his shorts (while still rubbing my body on his) to remove all obstructions between his cock and me. 

I also lifted his singlet and felt the warmth of his solid hairy stomach on my back. It felt so good.  

"Please lets sleep"..he said weakly but we both knew his throbbing precumming cock was fully awake and sleep was not an option. 

I reached out to my hands to my side drawer and grabbed my lubricant. 

As I anointed his fuck pole with some dollops of lubricant, he suddenly went quiet and froze. Lying on our side with one of my legs raised, I began inserting cock into my moist man pussy. Very slowly, I began rotating my hips while taking inch after inch of his very fat and long penis into my willing hole.  (Taking it at a go would have killed me).

When I finally succeeded in  plugging the entire fulness of his penis deep inside my stomach, he slowly thrusted further into me and now tightened his embrace so gently. 

Bright was not rough. He was very slow and gentle on my hole. I felt the hotness of his breath right at the nape of my neck as he kept grunting and thrusting. 

I returned his thrust with the exact pace he was giving me. Slow and steady.

As our sweating  body  moved in synchronized rhythm to the melody of our moans and fucking noises from the instruments of my super wet as and his turgid penis, I needed nobody to tell me that this was real love making.  

He drove deep inside me with such affection that I could swear I felt my heart skip with each thrust. 

With a loud growl, he rolled over me and withdrew his cock and leaving  just the cap on very entrance of my hole. I felt a great rush of hot liquid flow into my hole as his cock pulsated severally.  He was gasping and panting and I could feel his sweat drop like rain on my back. He slowly inserted his penis fully into me and this made a very loud slurpy wet sound because I was completely soaked with fresh man milk. 

Collapsing beside me and panting, I used my shirt to wipe his cock. 

We both took our shower separately and when we got into bed, he said - "can we sleep now?" 

I said yes.

The next day, we both woke up late, showered, brushed , did chores and made breakfast together.  And as usual, his attitude toward me was perfectly normal. 

As we sat watching TV and chatting away, I snuggled up beside him and to my joy, he put his arms around my shoulder.  I slid my hand into his shirt and began rubbing his hairy stomach when he picked up the remote control, switched off the tv, removed my hands from his stomach and said we should talk.

Looking right into my eyes, he asked-
"What do you want from me?" 

I wanted to play dumb but I knew I shouldn't because I knew exactly what he was saying.

I told him I love our friendship and wanted us to be more closer.

"Close like making love?' He asked.

I nodded my head.

Slowly nodding his head as if processing his thoughts, he said - " not used to this gay stuff. This is my first time and I guess Its because i like you that is why i allowed you do your thing. But don't get me wrong it was good" he broke to a smile. 

"Anyhow....let's keep it flowing. Just wanted to know your mind" he added casually as he turned on the TV.  

"You can continue what you were doing" 

I was so excited hearing this that I wasted no time to start rubbing his stomach. 

"Am getting hard" he said almost inaudiblly and at that moment, I touched his fat pole. It was hard for real. I began kissing his neck and that was when he turned his face and kissed me in return.  

We were lost in the longest passionate kiss ever when he told me we should adjourn to the bedroom.  Thankfully, I had already cleaned up few hours prior when I was showering so there was no transmission break.

Bright mounted me on a missionary position and we fucked and kissed simultaneously until he flooded my man cunt with his warm milk.

The weekend was over quickly and we both had to get back to our various businesses. 

We both have spare keys to each other's houses and weekends have been strictly reserved for sex. 

Bright has such a high libido which I love so much.  He can fuck as much as 5 times a day without getting tired. 

Am glad he is not just a car mechanic but also an (my) ass mechanic. 

Written by 
Ford X

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